[笑话] I am acting like a lady 我要表现得像一位女士

2022-04-20 20:00:40  浏览:141  作者:笑话大全
One day women's dresses were on sale at a department store. A dignified middle-aged man decided to pick a dress for his wife, but soon he found himself being battered by frantic women. 一天,一家百货公司的女装大减价,一位高贵的中年男士想给他的太太挑选一件女装。但是,没过多久,他就发现自己已被疯狂的女人们撞得踉踉跄跄。 He stood it as long as he could; then, with head lowered and arms flailing, he plowed through the crowd. 他竭力地忍耐着。后来,他低下头,挥舞双臂,挤过人群。 "You there!" challenged a thrilling voice. "Can't you act like a gentleman?" “你干嘛?”有人尖声叫道,“你难道不能表现得像一位绅士吗?” "Listen," he said. "I have been acting like a gentleman for an hour. From now on, I am acting like a lady." “听着,”他说。“我已经像绅士一样表现了一个小时了。从现在起,我要表现得像一位女士。”


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