[笑话] A shrewd guess 准确的猜测

2022-04-20 20:00:34  浏览:200  作者:笑话大全
While taking the 1993 census, I called on a woman who refused to state her age. I told her I was permitted to make an estimate. "I guess 85 is about right," I said and pretended to write on the form. "Don't you dare!" she snapped. "I'm only 68." 在做1993年人口普查时,我碰到了一位拒绝说出自己年龄的女士。 我告诉她我有权作出判断。“我认为你是85岁,这没错吧。”我边说边假装往表格上写。 她急了,说道:“你敢,我才68岁。”


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