[笑话] First-aid class 急救课

2022-04-20 20:00:31  浏览:171  作者:笑话大全
A man was telling friends how first-aid classes had prepared him for an emergency. "I saw a woman hit by a car," he said, "She had a broken arm, a twisted knee and a skull fracture." "How horrible! What did you do?" "Thanks to my first-aid training I knew just how to handle it. I sat on the curb and put my head between my knees to keep from fainting." 一个男子正在告诉朋友们急救课是如何让他为突发事件做好准备的。 “我看见一个女人被车子撞了,“他说,“她手臂断了,膝盖弯曲,头骨破裂。”“太可怕了!你做了些什么?”“因为我上过急救培训,我知道该怎么处理这件事,我在路边坐下来,把我的头放在膝盖上,以防止昏倒。”


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