[笑话] A proof证明

2022-04-20 20:00:18  浏览:193  作者:笑话大全
A man came1 to a village post office for a registered2 letter. The letter was3 there, but the clerk4 did5 not give it to the man. "How can I know that the letter is for you?" he asked.The man took6 a photo of himself7 from his pocket8, and said9, "I think now you know who I am?"The clerk looked long at the photo and then said, "Yes, that is you. Here is your letter." 一个人去乡村邮电所取挂号信。 信来了,可工作人员却不给他。“我怎么知道这信是你的?”工作人员说。这人从口袋里拿出自己的一张照片,说,“我想你知道我是谁了吧?”工作人员看了一会说:“这的确是你,信给你吧!”


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