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“2022年04月” 的搜索结果,共 41078

[笑话] 老板来碗牛肉面
[笑话] 老板来碗牛肉面

笑话 笑话大全 老板来碗牛肉面 “老板,小碗牛肉面一碗” “好的,还需要什么吗?” “不用,菜多些,面多些,肉多些。” 老板沉默中……

[笑话] 磕瓜子
[笑话] 磕瓜子

笑话 笑话大全 磕瓜子 去年年底陪前任去他家,吃完午饭我和他还有他妈妈坐沙发上看电视,他俩在磕瓜子,过了一会儿他妈进屋了,他说“媳妇你把手伸出来

[笑话] 天气预报
[笑话] 天气预报

笑话 笑话大全 天气预报 吃晚饭。电视上播天气预报,上海“阴到多云”。听了千遍的词儿了忽然觉得不对劲儿,问老婆电视上刚才说什么,老婆说“阴到多云”

[笑话] What a Smart Wife家有笨妻
[笑话] What a Smart Wife家有笨妻

笑话 笑话大全 What a Smart Wife家有笨妻 What a Smart Wife! A newly married woman was sitting on a ch

[笑话] Concentration 专心
[笑话] Concentration 专心

笑话 笑话大全 Concentration 专心 Concentration There was a man who went out to eat, he was al

[笑话] Won't Feel Too Lonely不会孤单
[笑话] Won't Feel Too Lonely不会孤单

笑话 笑话大全 Won't Feel Too Lonely不会孤单 Won't Feel Too Lonely There were two men who went out to eat

[笑话] The Feeling Is Mutual心照不宣
[笑话] The Feeling Is Mutual心照不宣

笑话 笑话大全 The Feeling Is Mutual心照不宣 The Feeling Is Mutual There were two people who went togethe

[笑话] Cherishing Words As Gold惜语如金
[笑话] Cherishing Words As Gold惜语如金

笑话 笑话大全 Cherishing Words As Gold惜语如金 Cherishing Words As Gold (Originally In Chinese) Once there

[笑话] 勾魂
[笑话] 勾魂

笑话 笑话大全 勾魂 黑白无常向阎王抱怨,阳间太可怕了,以后都不敢去勾魂了。阎王问,怎么回事?黑白无常说:昨天去阳间,看到有个人倒在路边,我们

[笑话] 扔垃圾桶去
[笑话] 扔垃圾桶去

笑话 笑话大全 扔垃圾桶去 儿子今年三岁,最近很淘气,老公看不下去了,打了他屁股下,儿子各种哭,说:麻麻,我不要粑粑了,我要把他扔垃圾桶里去!




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